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FlashDisk AFA – SuperCap Technology Brief

This technology brief outlines how the super capacitor and non-volatile flash memory design of the FlashDisk AFA from Winchester Systems offers compelling reliability, serviceability, safety and performance improvements over other array designs.

FlashDisk AFA Media and Entertainment Solutions Guide

The FlashDisk AFA provides is designed to speed the performance M&E workflows: Ingest, Edit/Composite, Render/Transcode, Digital Asset Storage, Content delivery and Active Archive.

FlashDisk Remote Replication

FlashDisk Remote Replication capability allows users to create full data copies across storage systems, using synchronous or asynchronous mode. If the source data fails due to system malfunction or disaster, users can leverage a disk-based remote copy to restart services in a few minutes. If the source needs to resume its role, it can be quickly synced with the remote copy while adjusting only for differentials.

FlashDisk File System and Database Backup using CommVault Simpana Software

Winchester Systems is a technical partner of CommVault, a software maker who has developed Simpana, a modern and comprehensive suite of data management solutions to meet the backup and archival needs of enterprises. The result of the collaboration of two companies has resulted in a cost-effective host-based backup solution that maximizes data reduction and scales to meet the needs of demanding enterprise environments. With proper configuration and operation, users can build fast, reliable, and scalable storage systems.

FlashDisk Solid State Drive Cache Pool

Now it is possible to accelerate performance of read-intensive workloads, such as On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP), Web Server, File Server, or Database, by deploying FlashDisk caching technology, SSD Cache, which leverages the high speed and low latency of solid state drives to deliver faster read performance for frequently accessed high demand and vital data. Compared to HDD data read speed, SSD is significantly faster and therefore, SSD Cache can considerably improve random read performance and reduce response time.

FlashDisk Thin Provisioning

The idea behind thin provisioning is similar to “bluffing” a large amount of virtual capacity for an application server regardless of the actual physical capacity available. If an application is filling a partition to capacity, the volume can be easily expanded by drawing space from a consolidated storage logical volume. When the logical volume runs out of storage capacity, it can be expanded on demand without disrupting online services.

FlashDisk Intelligent Disk Recovery

One of the basic capabilities of a storage system is to provide protection mechanisms against the failure of disk drives. With Winchester Systems FlashDisk Intelligent Drive Recovery (IDR) technology, storage ensures disk drive protection against data loss even when entire drives malfunction.

FlashDisk Key Storage System Features

Winchester Systems FlashDisk storage systems feature advanced hardware design, including hybrid HDD/SSD solutions, and provide comprehensive storage services at affordable price points, making them ideal for small and medium businesses (SMBs) as well as enterprises.

FlashDisk Automated Storage Tiering

Enabling users to flexibly assign applications to tiers distinguished by different drive types and RAID levels, FlashDisk automated storage tiering provides an architecture that fully leverages the advantages of different storage media, including SSDs for high performance, and helps users more easily accommodate and meet different service level requirements.

FlashDisk Self Encrypting Drives and Secure Erase

One of the most important capabilities of a storage system is providing protective mechanisms against the high cost and other negative results of data breach or loss. Winchester Systems has always placed an emphasis on innovating new security measures and incorporating solutions as they emerge across the industry. Winchester Systems aims to enhance the security capabilities of as many storage products as possible while maintaining an attractive cost proposition, encouraging and helping organizations put comprehensive security strategies in place to better safeguard their data.

High Availability Configuration on FlashNAS ZFS Systems

This white paper describes FlashNAS ZFS series active/active controller architecture, which nearly doubles performance and offers high availability protection. In real world applications such as iSCSI volume access or share folders, FlashNAS ZFS provides better data integrity and higher availability than those delivered by comparable products.

FlashNAS ZFS: Enterprise NAS Functionality at a Fraction of the Price

This white paper describes “must have” NAS storage requirements of organizations that depend on their storage infrastructure to survive, and how Winchester Systems FlashNAS ZFS addresses those needs—while at the same time keeping customers’ capital and operational costs to a minimum.

FlashDisk FX: Enterprise DAS and SAN Storage Functionality at a Fraction of the Price

Too many block-based storage customers are forced to choose between two extremes: “high-end capability for a high-end price” vs. “low-end capability for a low-end price.” Winchester Systems offers its FlashDisk FX line of block-storage systems as a “middle ground” between these two extremes for organizations that depend upon their storage infrastructures to survive, but don’t want to pay premium prices for capabilities they don’t need.

More Virtual Machines per Server with FlashDisk RAID Disk Arrays

The white paper highlights how the high performance of FlashDisk RAID Disk Arrays deliver I/O performance needed to balance server performance and maximize the number of virtual machines supported in today demanding virtual environments.

FlashDisk® PetaStore™ – Purpose-Built for Big Data

This paper details a comparison of industry alternatives for storing 2 PB of data for Big Data applications. The clear benefit of the FlashDisk PetaStore with 2 PB of storage, 20 TB/sec read, 12 TB/sec write, 3 million IOPS and online serviceability at competitive prices are outlined.

FlashNAS Unified Storage – Affordable Feature Rich NAS

Affordable, feature-rich NAS supports both CIFS and NFS in single, large high-performance virtual storage pool for Windows, Linux, Unix and MAC OS environments.

How to Speed up Database Applications with a “Purpose-Built” SSD Storage Solution

Now there is a way to get a centralized, SAN capable enterprise solution for your most important and performance critical applications with a “plug and play” solution called FlashDisk Database Accelerator (DBA).

A Totally Redundant & Virtualized Infrastructure Solution

Winchester System’s v-IP Storage Appliances provide a set of robust features that allow Winchester System’s ultra fast, hardware centric FlashDisk RAID arrays to also be configured with complete redundancy, including snapshots, mirroring and remote replication. v-IP positions and FlashDisk provides a very affordable and much lowe r cost alternative to Dell Equallogic, Netapp, and other storage vendors while maintaining simplicity and performance.

Red Hat High Availability Clusters

Almost all core business applications—ERP, CRM, sales force automation, inventory, supply chain management—can benefit from high availability clustering. The attractive economics of Linux high availability clusters combined with the low cost of high performance RAID storage makes it possible to extend high availability to a broader set of business activities. Even email servers, for example, could be clustered for high availability in organizations where email has become a critical tool and a shutdown would be very disruptive. Similarly enterprises can benefit when domain services, directory services, security systems, e-commerce servers, and even standard file servers are clustered for high availability.

Snapshot Backup and Recovery with FlashDisk VX-3400 Series Disk Arrays

The new FlashDisk VX-3400 Series with storage services embedded in the on-board RAID controllers provides snapshot backup and recovery as well as mirroring, volume copy and FlashD2D tiered, primary to secondary disk-to-disk backup.

Microsoft VSS-Consistent Snapshots for Exchange Servers with FlashDisk VX-3400 Series Disk Arrays

FlashDisk now offers snapshot capability that provide coherent images for Oracle, Exchange, SQL and other databases by integrating with Microsoft’s Volume Shadow Services (VSS). FlashDisk provides a server-based agent that coordinates with VSS to ensure database quiescence at the moment of snapping to ensure database coherence upon recovery.

Deploying FlashDisk Data Storage with VMware

Nineteen FlashDisk models are certified VMware Ready and deliver the high speed, expandable high capacity and data integrity using dual parity RAID 6. This white paper shows how easy it is to deploy FlashDisk in VMware environments.

Fast, Secure and Affordable Security and Surveillance Video Data Storage

Digital storage is ideal for today’s Security and Surveillance Video. As storage requirements get large, the quality, reliability and affordability of the data storage systems become paramount. FlashDisk RAID disk arrays provide the high performance, data integrity, data portability and low cost needed.