Winchester Systems is committed to providing you with a defect-free product. We have designed our products to withstand component failures, to offer “hot-swap” user replaceable components and even to rebuild lost data — without downing your server or disrupting your users.
One-Year Limited Warranty

Behind every system we deliver is a team of dedicated and trained professionals constantly striving to achieve 100% customer satisfaction.
Our service programs reflect our commitment to deliver fast, flexible and comprehensive product support and service. All Winchester Systems’ products include a full one-year limited warranty, including Next-Day On-site Service. Same-Day On-Site Service is available at an additional cost. The limited warranty runs one (1) full year from date of shipment and may be extended with an Annual Service Contract. It includes repair or replacement of defective parts or replacement of the entire product as determined by Winchester Systems’ engineers. Since the risk of component failures cannot be entirely eliminated, customers are encouraged to follow appropriate system maintenance and back-up procedures to safeguard the integrity of their data and minimize the risk of business interruption. Our limited warranty does not cover catastrophic losses and is limited solely to repair or replacement of defective parts or systems and providing the associated service. Please see the Terms and Conditions for full details including all applicable limitations and exclusions.
Winchester Systems has partnered with a world-renown global services task force consisting of over 6000 certified service engineers nationwide. With a team like this, you can count on having your technical problems resolved quickly.
Next-Day On-Site Service
Local Support. Winchester Systems includes next day on-site service standard with every FlashDisk® disk array and selected other products and is available Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm local time, at the customer site.
Phone Support
Technical support. Free technical telephone support as needed during normal business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm local time, on our toll-free “Support Hotline” at:
866-WSI-HELP (866-974-4357)
Free firmware upgrades. All firmware upgrades to con- trollers, drives and other components are distributed as required.
Optional Products and Services
The following optional services are available at an additional cost to support any high availability requirements that exceed the support provided with the One-Year Limited Warranty.
Spare Parts Kits
On-site spares. For installations with the highest availability requirements, a complement of on-site spare parts is strongly recommended. Discounts are available at the time of initial system purchase to encourage spare parts self-sufficiency for sites where overnight parts delivery is too slow and immediate availability of spare parts is essential. Your sales representative can help recommend a proper spare parts kit configured to meet your needs.
Rapid Replacement Units
Disaster Recovery. In order to minimize “mean time to repair” (MTTR), a Rapid Replacement Unit is recommended where multiple FlashDisk systems are installed. A Rapid Replacement Unit is a “hot-spare system” consisting of an entire unit with one disk drive, based on your initial FlashDisk configuration. In the event of a problem, just move all the drives from the failed unit to the Rapid Replacement Unit, reconnect the cable, and you are up and running in about 15 minutes. Pricing is based on your FlashDisk configuration and is discounted at the time of initial system purchase.
Same-Day On-Site Service
4-hour Response. Same day service is available at an extra cost, for customers with business critical applications requiring immediate attention. Within 4 hours of a request, a qualified field service engineer will be dispatched from a team of over 6000 experienced service representatives.
“24 x 7” Support Hotline
Business Critical. If you run your system more than the standard eight hour day, you will appreciate this extended “Support Hotline” coverage. Factory trained service technicians are on call around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to help you diagnose and repair your system – 866-WSI-HELP (866-974-4357).
Parts Shipment. Any parts required will be shipped overnight during normal business hours. Same day or “next flight out” parts shipments are also available on a best effort basis, at an extra cost during normal business hours. Requests for parts after normal business hours will be fulfilled at an extra cost, on a “best effort” basis.
Remote Diagnostics
Dial-in access. If your system is set up for remote web or dial-in access and you give us the IP address or phone number and an authorized temporary guest password, we can perform remote diagnostics and often remote troubleshooting, reconfiguration, reinitialization and repair of your system.
On-Site Installation and Training
On-site installation at your convenience. Optional on-site installation is easily arranged. A Winchester Systems’ service technician will travel to your site at your convenience — which often means after hours or weekends — to install and train your users — for a fixed fee quoted in advance.
Loaner Systems
Loaner systems. Loaner systems are available as needed at extra cost.
Hot ship. If your system is down, a similar (not necessarily identical system) will be “hot shipped” from our service stock to your location, freight prepaid. You can use this loaner system until your unit can be repaired and returned to you.
Repair and return. Winchester Systems then uses the standard in-warranty troubleshooting and shipping procedures to repair your system. When you have your system back and it is fully operational, you return the loaner system, freight prepaid.
As part of an Annual Service Contract you may elect any or all of the above options. Our Sales or Service organizations will be glad to assist you in designing a flexible service contract that meets your requirements. Please contact us for additional information and pricing at: 800-325-3700.
Out-Of-Warranty Repairs
Purchase order required. Out-of-warranty repairs require a repair Purchase Order or credit card authorization. Parts received without a Purchase Order or credit card number may cause a delay in obtaining repair services.
Time and materials. Out-of-warranty systems can be serviced much like in-warranty systems. You are billed for time and materials costs for parts, labor (including telephone support) and all shipping and packaging costs.
Service contract recommended. The delay in obtaining a Purchase Order number is prohibitive in many organizations. You should strongly consider obtaining a service contract to avoid unnecessary delays in obtaining repair services.
Winchester Systems can not guarantee availability of replacement parts or quick turnaround for those customers who do not have an in-force service contract.
Priority. Warranty and service contract repairs take priority over out-of-warranty repairs. To avoid possible repair delays, a service contract is advisable, and even essential, in most of today’s 24×7 environments.
Factory labor rates. Diagnosis and repair labor in the factory is billed at $200.00 per hour with a two (2) hour minimum, with additional costs for parts. Repair costs above the minimum charge are quoted in advance of actual repair for customer approval.
Telephone support. Phone support is billed at $250.00 per hour during normal business hours with a two (2) hour minimum. Support after normal business hours is billed at $375.00 per hour with a two (2) hour minimum.